Lens of the Past

A flawed human's story of victory in Christ, and one life's proof that with God, we can overcome anything - even the trauma of abuse.

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Location: Iowa, United States

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Reason To Write

They say everyone sees life through a lens. Modern psychology insists we see everyday events through the lens of our past. An example of this is the person who has been repeatedly bitten by dogs and has never met a friendly mutt, and who goes on to assume that the sight of any dog is sufficient cause for fear. Thus, many feel trapped in a world where fear lurks around every corner, and nowhere is safe, not even their own front walk.

This "lens" theory, as it is sometimes called, applies to each of us, reflecting our unique pasts to create our own unique view of reality. For some, raised in happy homes and accepted by society at large, that view is pleasant, even hopeful. For others, those from abusive homes, or those rejected by society, the world is full of dangers, pains, and lack of hope. But it doesn't have to be like that. I know. I lived there, and by God's grace, I made it out. I love life, and I love people. I have many friends who, apart from God's healing, love, and deliverance, I would not be able to trust in even the smallest matters. This is my story, and if you are willing to face the fact that with God's help, reality can change for each of us trapped in gloom and despair, I invite you to join me as I retell this story of pain.

I will begin at the best place, that is, the beginning. Some of the entries will be merely from memory, while others, later on, may include original poems or journal entries from the time I am writing about. The journey has been long, but I will attempt to keep it as brief as possible while giving adequate detail for you, the reader, to join in. Each segment will be archived at left under its appropriate title, and new posts will appear first under this one. I will, at all times, attempt to keep a balanced view and include the good times alongside the bad, the humor alongside the pain. Certain names have been changed to protect both the innocent and the guilty from painful memories. Many of those involved in the stories, including my mother, are sincerely trying to be better people and to get along with others more regularly. This is not a gossip column, nor is it a smear campaign against friends or loved ones. This is my story, and through it I pray God will bless and encourage others going through similar things. I am a writer, I am a Christian, and I am flawed. Join with me in discovering how an awesome God takes the worst of humans and makes something that by His grace becomes a tool in the Master's hand.


Blogger Brooke said...

Hi there,

Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. Yep, I lived in Springfield from 1983 until approximately 1987/98. I don't know when you were there, but it was probably after I moved, judging from your profile (keep writin' for God!). Thanks again for stopping by, and God bless you, my brother.

In Christ,

10:02 PM  

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